[Workshop] Azure For Devs – Week 1

Hi everyone, yesterday my friend Angel Garcia and I started the 5-week long workshop “Azure for Devs” for our community .NET Dominicana (@DotNetDo).

In this first session we covered the following topics:

🌩 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is renting resources, like storage space or CPU cycles, on another company’s data center. You only pay for what you use.

The company providing these services is referred to as a cloud provider. Some example providers are Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.

🙌🏾 Types of Cloud Services

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the most flexible category of cloud services. It aims to give you the most control over the provided hardware that runs your application.

Platform as a Service provides an environment for building, testing, and deploying software applications. The goal of PaaS is to help you create an application quickly without managing the underlying infrastructure.

Software as a Service is software that is centrally hosted and managed for the end customer. It is usually based on a monthly or annual subscription. Office 365, Skype, and Dynamics CRM Online are perfect examples of SaaS software.

😎 Intro to Azure

Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform.

Azure provides over 100 services that enable you to do everything from running your existing applications on virtual machines to exploring new software paradigms such as intelligent bots and cognitive services.

💵 Billing and Pricing Calculator

Billing for Azure services is done on a per-subscription basis. You can also project how the billing looks for a given month based on the current spending.

Use the Pricing Calculator to Determine Your Costs Based On Your Business Needs.


👨🏾‍💻 Managing Resources

Resource groups are a fundamental element of the Azure platform. A resource group is a logical container for resources deployed on Azure. These resources are anything you create in an Azure subscription-like virtual machines, Application Gateways, and CosmosDB instances.

🕹 Demo: Creating a resource

az –help
az login
az account list –output table
az account set –subscription your-subscription-id
az group create –name dev-az –location "West Europe"
az appservice plan create –name dev-az-sp –resource-group dev-az –sku F1 –is-linux
az webapp create –resource-group dev-az –plan dev-az-sp –name helloworldazurefirstapp –runtime "DOTNETCORE|3.1"
az webapp list-runtimes
az webapp list-runtimes –linux

We also discussed some important terms like:

  • CapEx and OpEX
  • Scale Up (Vertical) and Scale Out (Horizontal)
  • Reliability
  • Scalability
  • Elasticity
  • Agility
  • Geo-distribution
  • Disaster recovery

Homework for participants:
Complete the Azure Fundamentals Path in Microsoft learn which is approx 6-7hrs of study. (We recommend taking 1.5hours a day to get a good grasp of the material and write down any questions to debate on next session).

Finally, here goes the presentation.

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